QZ Solutions

QZ Solution is a technology company creating innovative solutions dedicated to the agricultural industry, especially in the field of vision systems for crop monitoring.

of cooperation

  • preparation of application files within programme 4.1.4 of the PO IR for the project entitled "Development of a non-invasive system for measuring soil moisture at root level for potato cultivation based on new algorithms using machine learning methods for hyperspectral data analysis".
  • preparation of an application file as part of programme 1.1.1 of the PO IR (Fast Track for large and consortia of enterprises) for the project entitled "Development of a new ground tomato cultivar dedicated to processing and improved technology for its cultivation in order to obtain high quality, reproducible and efficient production in Polish climatic conditions"
  • conducting a training session to prepare for a meeting with a panel of experts

of cooperation

Based on the client's business and technological assumptions, a team of consultants prepared complete application files for two research and development projects. On the basis of the prepared applications, QZ Solutions was awarded grants for the implementation of both projects.

Project value

12 281 147,30 PLN

Value of the obtained funding:

8 058 312,91 PLN


Konsultanci innology rzetelnie przygotowali dokumentację konkursową oraz doradzali podczas całego procesu aplikacyjnego, w tym w zakresie umowy konsorcjum i podziału własności intelektualnej. Dzięki wysokim kompetencjom doradców innology nasz wniosek uzyskał decyzję do przyznaniu dofinansowania. Cenimy firmę innology za profesjonalizm oraz niezwykle wysoki poziom świadczonych usług i z przyjemnością polecamy jako odpowiedzialnego, kompetentnego partnera dla każdej firmy, która zamierza skutecznie pozyskać środki na badania i rozwój.

Zbigniew Kawalec - Prezes Zarządu

cooperation image


KP Labs

KP Labs


Scope of the service

Obtaining R&D grant in the Fast Track program

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Autonomous Systems

Autonomous Systems


Scope of the service

Obtaining R&D grant in the Fast Track program

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MV Center

MV Center


Scope of the service

Obtaining R&D grant in the Fast Track program

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