SAPIENCY is a start-up developing an application that enables people to invest in people, and issue personal tokens. All this is based on a proprietary blockchain.
The business and technological assumptions provided by the client were reflected in the application file, which consisted of a very comprehensive proposal containing elements such as an analysis of technological advantages along with an R&D work plan, innovation analysis, market analysis, profitability analysis, human and technical potential analysis and budget. On the basis of the prepared documentation, Sapiency received a decision to award the full amount of the grant requested.
2,4 mln zł otrzyma Sapiency od Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju na zbudowanie infrastruktury blockchain z giełdą marek osobistych. 25 pkt na 28 to wysoka pozycja w rankingu. Firma innology pomogła nam napisać wniosek, kiedy inne firmy nie widziały szans na wygraną. Dziękujemy za profesjonalizm, dzięki Wam się to udało.